International Visiting Professor Program
Our International Visiting Professor Program was introduced in 1988 and since then, it has brought renowned professors from Germany, Europe, North America, and other countries across the globe to share their medical knowledge and clinical skills with our doctors, so that they may integrate them into the care we offer our patients.
This successful and lasting association with German university hospitals was the inspiration for the name of our organization.
Prof. Dr. MED Hans
Rudolf Raab -
Prof. Dr Norbert
Runkel -
Prof. Dr. Guy
Webster -
Prof. Dr. Mario
Anotonio -
Prof. Dr. Max Peter
Heiland -
Prof. Dr. Jorn A.
Horaczek -
Prof. Carlo De
Vincentiis -
Prof. Richard Georg
Helmuth Steinmeiz -
Prof. Erich Robert
Micheal Dennerlein -
Prof. Francois
Alesch -
Prof. Guido
Alexander Wahler -
Prof. Dr Zoe Vlamak