4 Tips for patients of chronic lung disease to improve their breathing

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4 Tips for patients of chronic lung disease to improve their breathing

Patients of chronic lung disease, such as COPD or bronchial asthma are usually struggle to breath, especially in cold weather (due to dry air) or in hot weather (due to increased humidity). So, through this topic we will highlight the most significant tips that will help patients of chronic lung disease to improve their breathing.

  1. It's important to avoid all the triggering factors which may cause breathing difficulties for patients of chronic lung disease; the most significant triggers include: smokes, dust, chemicals, household cleaning products and insecticides. On the same context, it's advised to quit smoking as well as avoiding second hand smoking.
  2. Patients of chronic lung disease should follow a healthy life style, the most important tips regarding this item include the following:
  • Drinking plenty of fluids as dehydration exacerbates breathing difficulties.
  • Avoid stress or physical overload.
  • Having enough hours of night sleep.
  • Avoiding spicy and fatty foods.
  • Maintaining body weight within normal ratios.
  1. One of the most common facts that should be in mind is that "you can't change the weather, but you should take steps to adapt the weather". This is because sudden and recurrent fluctuations of surrounding temperature may cause respiratory infections, such as influenza, common cold, acute bronchitis… etc. So to avoid all of these, it's advised to avoid sudden move from hot weather into cold weather and vice versa.

Patients of chronic lung disease who have breathing difficulties should visit their doctors for proper assessment and to prescribe medications that can help them in improving breathing, such as; oxygen supply, bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory medications.

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